Rahul recently led a short workshop on DataBasic at the Boston Civic Media annual meeting. The 1 hour hands-on session focused on how to use the arts to tell your civic data story.
Curious about how to use the arts to tell your civic data story? Wondering how to use the arts to help learn how to work with data? We will introduce DataBasic.io: a suite of free easy-to-use web tools for beginners that introduce how to work with data through arts-based activities. Finding and telling data-driven stories can help you streamline operations, spread your message, and bring people together for creative activities. You’ll walk away with new skills for yourself, fun techniques for helping others learning to work with data, and inspirations for how to combine civic data and the arts.
The workshop brought together a diverse set of people interested in using the arts to engage people with data. Reaching these non-traditional consumers of data is super important to us, so it was a joy to be able to engage with them.